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Tiba Physique

Life without Pain


A team of qualified experts that cares about you.

Our team is highly certified & experienced physiotherapists professionals who are committed to providing the highest service quality aiming at helping our patients experience the right treatment for their optimum health and life full of action and joy. 


Why Tiba

  • Expertise: With more than 14 years of experience in physiotherapy, Tiba certified therapists will guide you step by step.

  • Customization: Tiba can help you to be more fit by providing you comprehensive customized plan suitable for your case

  • Advanced Devices: Tiba has the latest advanced devices specialized in rehabilitation and diet programs.

  • Focus: Tiba focuses on the best route for its patients. Treatment planning is seriously considered an essential step in our service. 



Our team of experts coupled with our prepared center help patients with body challenges improve in performance and control over their body


Nutrition Services

We help our patients overcome their nutrition challenges by the focus on the customization of our diet programs to include our patients' psychic and busy life along with their own personal preferences. 

Our Customers Feedback

Contact Us

175 Port Said St. Sporting - Alexandria, Egypt

Tel 035919323


All Copyrights Reserved to Tiba Physique

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